Manmojilo Gujarati

Scheduled on

Wednesday 6:00 pm 7:00 pm

Manmojilo Gujarati crew

Hello I am Romesh Upadhyay, Software Engineer by Profession and Music lover by passion. I am fond of singing and was trained by: Mr. Sanjay Shah (NJ) - Bollywood Light Singing and Semi-Classical Mr. Manoj Govindraj (NJ) - Hindustani Classical Mrs. Rucha Muley Jambhekar (NJ) - Hindustani Classical During the pandemic, my passion for singing and music encouraged me to start Facebook and Youtube Live programs and have formed Manoranjanzone LLC. After getting a very good response on my live singing programs, I found a web Radio Station Radio aMaZe. My another love is FOOD. I am a reasonably good cook who loves to spend his evenings in Kitchen. I love binge watching web series on NetFLIX and Amazon Prime along with watching recipe videos on internet. My programs are full of masti, motivation, positive spirit and lot more about FOOD with the music, you love. My Quote is: Music can Change the World!

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